sexta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2017

Event Thimble & Store Lil Brats

Oooooi, totooosaas! Tudo bom?
Procurando a Dory vamos tentar achar ela alguém viu ela pra procurar ela usamos esse maiô fofo da loja Lil Brats ele vem com hud pra mudar de cor eu Pandora já escolhi o rosa e a Margarida no azul o nosso maiô esta a venda no Evento Thimble .
Gostaram do nosso equipamento de mergulho e uma linda pose vem com a máscara de mergulho e o pé de pato e da loja p.o.s.e 
Agora vamos continuar procurando a Dory e continuar a nadar a nadar 

Oooooi, totooosaas! It's OK?
Looking for Dory we'll try to find her Someone saw her to look for her We use this cute Lil Brats swimsuit he comes with hud to change color I Pandora already chose the pink and the Daisy in the blue Our swimsuit is for sale in the Thimble Event.
They liked our diving equipment and a beautiful pose comes with the diving mask and the duck foot and the shop p.o.s.e
Now let's continue looking for Dory and continue swimming to swim

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